Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Final- Talk about my goal for art

My goal in art is to become a digital artist. In doing so I took course classes to learn everything I can and more on how I can achieve being a successful digital artist. One major obstacle that really stands in my way is transportation. Living in Arlington we don’t have a public transport system. They rest of my classes for this course are in North Richland Hills where my parents are not willing to drive me daily or even weekly as it is really far away and they both work too much to do something like so. I just recently got a car but my parents don’t trust me to drive it because it’s been so long since I’ve last driven after the falling through I had in my life. Getting back on my own two feet has been a harder journey than any of us thought it would be. I started this degree 2 years ago and I should’ve been finished with it by now but too many things kept getting in the way. I’m done giving up, I’ve decided to work harder at proving to my parents I can take the car that it’s no big deal, that I don’t want to quit school again.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Water color

Double complimentary
Split complimentary

Monday, April 20, 2015

Scratch Art

Victoria Heymann
Everyday I Dream Of Paris
Scratch Art
Eiffel Tower, Dream Catcher, Woman
The first think i look at in this piece is the feathers on the dream catcher,the dreamcatchers feathers jump out at you, the feathers move as in a fluid motion, as the other objects just stay still
Black and White
Geometric, Non-Figurative, Organic
Light, Free, Happy, Fun


Complimentary colors

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Midterm Medical Ethics

When first sitting down and brainstorming about my project, I realized I didn’t actually know much about women’s health or the ethics behind us. I’m a woman, and in fact, I know pretty much nothing about my own body. Henrietta knew there was something wrong with her but she didn’t know what. Today when we have a problem we just go to the doctor and they can tell us and most cases they fix us right up, but it couldn’t always be this way, we had to learn about it from somewhere, and sadly they used black women back then because their lives didn’t matter, and they could get away with it- for the name of science. But in fact back then, women’s lives in general didn’t matter, we were the gum on the bottom of every mans shoe. A woman died unethically so that science could learn more. When I created this project I wanted to show that a woman creating life- which we have done since the beginning of time; was surrounded by science and abuse and hate and control. These men wouldn’t be alive if their mother did conceive them, raise them, and take care of them, yet, we were still seen as nothing. And our lives meant nothing. We’ve come a long way since then but I feel like out of 10 steps, we women, have only taken 3. #BlackLivesMatter #WomensLivesMatter

Wednesday, February 11, 2015